Diocese of Alexandria begins the National Eucharistic Revival
Bishop Robert Marshall celebrated the Corpus Christi Mass on Sunday, June 19, and led a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown Alexandria, ending at St. James Memorial Catholic Church, to kick-off the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) National Eucharistic Revival. Thanks to all who prepared and participated in the procession.

The Eucharistic Revival is a three-year initiative sponsored by the USCCB to form, heal, convert, and unite the People of God through a renewed encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist and then to send them out to a hurting and hungry world. The Revival’s focus on formation and missionary discipleship begins at the grassroots level in individual parishes and dioceses along with other Catholic institutions:
- Year One is the Year of Diocesan Revival in which U.S. bishops respond to the Lord’s personal invitation and empower their priests and parish leaders to host events with a Eucharistic focus.
- Year Two is planned as the Year of Parish Revival. Individual pastors will engage their staff and parishioners with community-specific activities and events to better understand and enter more deeply into the Paschal Mystery through the celebration of the Mass, and extended opportunities for Adoration and Reconciliation.
- Year Three will be the Year of the National Eucharistic Congress and Missionary Sending and commences with a National Eucharistic Congress set to take place July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis.
Updates will be given through the Diocesan (www.diocesealex.org) and Cathedral’s website (www.sfxcathedral.org) facebook pages.