
Marriage at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral

How to begin the process:

If you are interested in celebrating your wedding at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, please contact Cathedral Wedding Coordinator, Deacon Richard Mitchell, as soon as possible to check the calendar and make sure your chosen date is available! Deacon Mitchell’s contact number is: (318) 447-8429.

Deacon Mitchell will instruct you to complete and submit the form below. DO NOT submit the form before contacting Deacon Mitchell because you need to have your wedding date tentatively set on the Cathedral’s calendar FIRST.


Infants and children under seven years of age become Catholic through the Rite of Baptism of Infants.  The child’s Baptism date may be scheduled by contacting calling the Church office at 318-445-1451 or sending an email to Deacon Richard Mitchell at

(insert form here)

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A)

Adults who either want to join the Catholic Church or those were baptized Catholic but did not receive their Confirmation can enroll in the R.C.I.A. program.  A new program begins each year in September and concludes on Easter.  Contact Deacon Richard Mitchell for more information:

(insert form here)


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available 30 minutes before daily Mass, on Saturday afternoons from 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. and on Sundays 4:45-5:15 p.m. Of course, an appointment may be made with one of the priests for the celebration of the sacrament at any other time.

First Communion & First Reconciliation

Children in the second grade and in our Parish Religious Education Program are prepared for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Children who are not attending Catholic schools should be attending our Sunday morning catechesis sessions before First Communion. Usually, First Reconciliation falls during Lent and First Communion, during the Easter Season.  Please call the Church Office at 318-445-1451 to register your child(ren).


In the Diocese of Alexandria, Confirmation is celebrated for those in the eleventh grade or above.  Children who are not attending Catholic schools should attend our Sunday morning catechesis sessions for one year before Confirmation (usually grade 10-11).

Adults who are interested in being confirmed will be prepared within the Rite of Christian Initiation process (information is above). Contact Deacon Richard Mitchell for more information:

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be scheduled anytime there is cause for concern about a serious illness or medical procedure. Call the Church Office for an appointment or in case of an emergency at (318) 445-1451.

Holy Orders

If interested in exploring a vocation as a priest, deacon or vowed religious, please contact one of the following:


Rev. Luke LaFleur
Director of Vocations

P.O. Box 7417
Alexandria, LA 71306
Phone:(318) 445-2401

Deacon Richard Mitchell
Director of the Diaconate

P.O. Box 7417
Alexandria, LA 71306
Phone: (318) 445-2401

Rev. Martin Laird
Vicar for Religious

P.O. Box 9
Plaucheville, LA 71362-0009
Phone: (318) 922-3131

Sister Sandra Norsworthy, OLS
Vicar for Women Religious

9968 Bayou des Glaises
Moreauville, LA 71355
Phone: (318) 985-2772

Also, visit the Diocesan Vocations webpage.